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Students from Mount Pleasant Primary School in Clayton-le-Moors, St Nicholas CE Primary School in Church and St Mary Magdalen’s CE Primary School recently heard about the opportunities available to them in Hyndburn from local business leaders.

Representatives from iMEP – International Music Event Production, Sundown Solutions, E+R Group, Peter Scott Printers and Scott Dawson Advertising attended the three schools, in visits organised by #AmazingAccrington, on Friday 24th May.

Students heard about the fantastic range of opportunities available to them during a fascinating morning of careers advice, from engineering and marketing to cyber and music event production.

The school visits also included a competition, which saw students invited to write their thoughts about Accrington on a card, with one entry from each school then being picked at random to win a prize. Malang Bolton secured the £20 prize at Mount Pleasant, Mitzee Mitchell won the £20 prize at St Nicholas CE and Amelia Helliwell was the lucky winner at St Mary Magdalen’s CE.

Murray Dawson, Chair of #AmazingAccrington, Managing Director of Scott Dawson Advertising and owner of Peter Scott Printers, said: “It has been great to take business leaders into three of our local Primary schools and speak to the students. The discussions were really engaging and the children now have plenty to think about for the future.”

Will Fort, a Software Developer at Sundown Solutions, said: “I started out as an Apprentice at Sundown Solutions and it is a pleasure to share my journey with our potential future employees.

“Our field of work is expanding very rapidly, incorporating AI and it’s not easy to explain cyber security and how that works day to day – but most of the pupils have some sort of gaming device and that really helps with the understanding.”

Ben Clements, Managing Director at E+R Group, said: “We’re a world-class engineering company based right here in Hyndburn, and we’re excited to get children interested in engineering, and science and technology.”

Eddy O’Brien, CEO at iMEP, commented: “There are so many exciting things going on in the music event production industry, and it has been wonderful to see how engaged and interested the children are in exploring that as a career in the future.”

Alison Spencer from Mount Pleasant Primary School, commented: “We would like to say a huge thank you to the businesses who have taken the time to come in and speak today. The children have really enjoyed it and it will be very valuable for them in the future.”

Zoe Rosthorn from St Nicholas CE Primary School, said: “We have had such a productive morning, discussing and looking at future opportunities in the borough. Thank you #AmazingAccrington!”

You can keep up-to-date with the latest opportunities across Hyndburn on the #AmazingAccrington’s dedicated opportunities website: